101-Beginners Guide on Genome Sequencing
Note : Having no Medical background this is from a perspective of Software Developer
Genome Sequencing is one of the keyword you must have listened in many of the Sci-fi Books /Movies/ TV Show, Biography (Steve Jobs) and must have some level of abstract idea of it being some test done on DNA sample taken from you then some lab tests done on it to get data which is then analyzed in some high spec computer cluster and the results point out super medicine , fix for a disease etc etc
Here is the best video I found Online
After Watching the Video , with curiosity about the computer science side of the this whole process I found this amazing site by Stanford Covering the various Algorithm and Programming part of the Genome Project
Link : Computers and the Human Genome Project
so where are we at present in 2019 in Genome Sequencing (in India) ?
Since the Completion of Human Genome Project in 2000 there are many labs and startups around the world providing partial sequencing to complete sequencing based on the amount of data you want ,with services like MapMygenome.in starting from $ 700 (~ 50k in Rupees ) to $ 2200 (1.5 lakh in rupees) for Complete Sequencing , although the genome sequencing data in Countries like India might not be that insightful as compared to one done in a developed country like USA since the whole process works by comparing your Sequence with that of others of same ethnicity , Location and Hereditary background therefore Tests Like these which are expensive not covered by Medical Insurance , Unknown by Masses with no Advertisement and availability at Nearby Labs also taking into consideration that Genome Sequencing is still relatively new and a lot of study and progress need to be done (the more sample Data Available the better the Results )to be considered as prescribed Test for common folks Service like this seems at least Decade away from picking up even a slight pace in Developing countries like India , and from what’s floating around the Tech News these days about Privacy Laws on Personal Data , Medical Records and Fines By EU (European Union ) , Study and pooling of Lab Results from those who can afford and get it done all around the world back to the Medical Community for Study seems a slow process hindered by Medical Giants
Setting that Aside Being In Computer Science field , Rise of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing , I wonder is there any entry level or areas of study to pick up as research Project for College for the Genome Project [will look more into that update this article ] never the less there is Huge amount of opportunities untapped sitting in the field combination of Medicine and Technology .
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